Vista User Account Control (UAC) finally cracked ?
August 26, 2011 — bluecollarpc
The following news was really disturbing…..
Malware turns off Windows’ UAC, warns Microsoft
By Gregg Keizer Computerworld – Microsoft this week urged users to keep an
oft-criticized Windows security feature turned on, even as it said that more
malware is disabling the tool. User Account Control (UAC) is the feature that
debuted in Vista and …
Windows Vista was the praise in security circles and Intermediate to Advanced Windows Users as the security of the Vista Operating System actually made it the crown jewel of security software itself for the decade. Viruses were not able to ‘write to the disk’ on Vista (just to temporary files needing duped or ignorant user interaction to even execute their payload). It was found in independent security labs that malware Rootkits could not even run on Vista with UAC on as recommended. With UAC off – they only found four rootkits that tried to run on Vista. Rootkits originally were detected and removed by anti-rootkit scanners and still are – but about the middle of the decade (2004-2006) all the quality anti-virus programs were additionally scanning for them as the now part of antivirus features.
“Vista Bashing” became more popular than these ignorant idiots had hoped, as Bill Gates and Microsoft were threatening to sue them in court for their lies about Vista that, mostly on the industrial level, were now hurting sales. It was reported through those times is the only time in memory that four letter words were heard out at the Microsoft shack. This was about the time the security community split – those truthful honest and dedicated to it remained on the side of intregrity and verity. The rest left off with their continuing slanders and played “candy man tactics” with all Users/Clients giving them “feel good – ease of use” security solutions that had actually circumvented the pc security of any user that listened to them and did their recommendations. And so anger was borne (borne – not born) against consumers who should rightly and legally be held to the security of their computer against recoverable costs against UCE (spam) and illegal piracy copies running through their infested infected computers that continually attack the rest of us with continual illegal malware attacks, spamming us to death. ALL because they are like the Saturday Night Live of old “Winers” – “ahh do we have to ?” – refusing to keep clean uninfected machines for self and pc security as well as respect for the communtiy of computer users worldwide engaging the internet. But this is a broken record isn’t it ? They still refuse to listen and I lean towards “hit them in the pocket” that will stop there apathy immediately. If the User has made every clear effort to protect their Windows PC against infections (virus, trojan, worms) and infestations (spyware, botnet) – there should be the forgiveness. When they thumb their nose at you, the ISPs, Microsoft, and the Law itself – it IS time they pay up for their crimes. It has been knowingly, willingly, and without fear of arrest.
So, the story was is Vista done as far as the security acclaim it achieved ? Apparently so. Vista will now have to be as protected as Windows XP which has been the worst headache. This is really bad and takes away the incentive to upgrade to or purchase Vista. Still with Internet Explorer versions 8 and 9 coupled with Vista – it is obvioulsy still that much more secure than XP it seems.
Now remember the Bill Gates and Microsoft challenge to the community of software creators to “quit unneccessarily creating software that needlesly and carelessly uses the Administrator Privileges to operate” inviting malware nightmares to the PC Users. This is much of the root of the Vista Bashing that was springing up as there were virtually no softwares including antivirus that could achieve “Vista Certified”. They could get “Works With Vista” and it showed who were the top programmers of the world obviously. I believe it was McAfee and Trend Micro that were the only first two antivirus companies that were sophisticated enough to create their product that achieved Vista Certified. Some of the crap from these Vista Bashers (and many in IT Security shockingly) was about the software compatibility and even UAC Tweak utilities were launched – completely circumventing the much needed security Vista with UAC offered. They cursed XP to high heavens security wise and Microsoft releases Vista as the first true secure out-of-the-box Windows PC – and Vista Bashing was their response and showing how fickled and disingenuious they really were and particularly those in security and particularly IT Security. They ran their mouths like diarhea butts as chauvenists and attempting user praise to be then ellevated and held as security and computer “gurus” laughingly against all those that made them what they are today. Continual Data Breaches and why do you think ? Consider the source.
Well I am off to play with my newly launched Linux computer (easy as pie to install on virtually any computer) and as webmaster of www.BlueCollarPC.US absolutely recommend it to all and especially Vista users. It will appear this is were Vista was invented as very peculiar… it almost seems Microsoft did a direct rip of Linux to create Vista – and this meaning in the light of a secure operating system that you will find Linux already runs much like Vista with UAC but without “the annoyances” as that may sound familiar. And really, as a Vista lover and getting to know Vista like the back of my hand, installing Linux for the first time just a couple years ago now – I was shocked and found Linux pleasently the secure system it is and security wise very much an equivelent to the famed Windows Vista. Absolutely recommended as there has been a tiny handful of malwares with Linux (like 10, 20 ? more like proof of concept types) as opposed to over 2 million that don’t even blink at infecting Windows most times with nightmare headaches. In fact I predict 25 percent of Windows Users will switch to Linux this decade to 2020. They continually run as fast and faster than a brand new Windows PC speedwise no matter how much stuff is installed is the other point.
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